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Precisioner was invited to the Second Council of Shenzhen Die Casting Industry Association

Lead: As one of the governing units, Precisioner was invited to the Second Council of Shenzhen Die Casting Industry Association on April 21th to jointly discuss the future development of die casting industry.

The meeting participants include the chairman, vice president, secretary-general and the governing units, whose business involves aluminum alloy die casting machine, aluminum alloy die casting, zinc alloy die casting, die casting mold, die casting automation and other die casting related tools and planning services.

The chairman mentioned that the association aimed to become a bridge between the government, enterprises and the die casting technical information. After a brief summary of the past two years work, the secretary-general share a project of Guiyang Industrial Park in Hunan Province.This project uses 3,000 acres of land to build Hunan and Guangdong die-casting industrial park, and to build a manufacturing die-casting industrial park in the colored technology industry park. The meeting also discussed about how to cultivate more die casting related talents like die casting machine, automation, die casting mold, materials and so on.

Notes: Precisioner will continue to keep in touch with the Shenzhen Die Casting Industry Association members and mutually supply die casting mold professional teaching sources within our capacity.

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