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Precisioner was Granted the Title of Top 20 Chinese Die Casting Mold Manufacturers

On November 24, 2023, Precisioner was honored with the title of the "Top 20 Chinese Die Casting Mould Manufacturers" at the 4th CEO Summit on Die Casting and High-level Forum on Lightweight Nonferrous Casting.

 Precisio<em></em>ner was ho<em></em>nored with the title of the

During the opening ceremony of the Zhuhai forum, companies recognized with the honors of "Top 50 Chinese Die Casting Manufacturers," "Rising Stars in Chinese Die Casting," and "Top 20 Chinese Die Casting Mold Manufacturers" were called on stage to receive their well-deserved accolades. The awarded enterprises have demonstrated significant improvement in terms of scale and innovative research and development capabilities, showcasing the achievements of China's casting industry transformation and upgrading.

Precisio<em></em>ner receiving the recognition award (the first person on the right in the first row of the photo)

Image: Blanco Du, General Manager of the Third Division of Precisioner metal, receiving the recognition award (the first person on the right in the first row of the photo).

Established in 2009, Shenzhen Precisioner Diecasting Mold Co. Ltd. is a professional die casting mold manufacturer, who is only dedicated in providing holistic solution on die casting molds for aluminum, magnesium, and zinc alloy die casting.  Over the past decade, with relentless efforts in the die casting mold industry, Precisioner has continuously expanded its scale, attracted die casting talents, and enhanced professional technical capabilities. The company's produced die casting moulds are compatible with machines ranging from 60 tons to 6600 tons.

Precisio<em></em>ner has o<em></em>nce again achieved

Precisioner previously received recognition as one of the "Top 20 Chinese Die Casting Mold Manufacturers" in 2021, and has once again achieved this prestigious award in the fourth edition. Precisioner will continue to leverage this honor to serve as a demonstration and leading force, fostering rapid development, improving the brand, actively participating in international competition, and guiding and promoting the common progress of China's die casting industry.

Photo Source: China Foundy Association

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